38 research outputs found

    Hybrid Metaheuristics for the Graph Partitioning Problem

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    The Graph Partitioning Problem (GPP) is one of the most studied NP-complete problems notable for its broad spectrum of applicability such as in VLSI design, data mining, image segmentation, etc. Due to its high computational complexity, a large number of approximate approaches have been reported in the literature. Hybrid algorithms that are based on adaptations of popular metaheuristic techniques have shown to provide outstanding performance in terms of partition quality. In particular, it is the hybrids between well-known metaheuristics and multilevel strategies that report partitions of the minimal cut-size value. However, metaheuristic hybrids generally require more computing time than those based on greedy heuristics which can generate partitions of acceptable quality in a matter of seconds even for very large graphs. This chapter is dedicated to a review on some representative hybrid metaheuristic approaches including genetic local search, basic multilevel search and recent development on hybrid multilevel search

    Memetic search for the quadratic assignment problem

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    The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is one of the most studied NP-hard problems with various practical applications. In this work, we propose a powerful population-based memetic algorithm (called BMA) for QAP. BMA integrates an effective local optimization algorithm called Breakout Local Search (BLS) within the evolutionary computing framework which itself is based on a uniform crossover, a fitness-based pool updating strategy and an adaptive mutation procedure. Extensive computational studies on the set of 135 well-known benchmark instances from the QAPLIB revealed that the proposed algorithm is able to attain the best-known results for 133 instances and thus competes very favorably with the current most effective QAP approaches. A study of the search landscape and crossover operators is also proposed to shed light on the behavior of the algorithm

    Heuristic search to the capacitated clustering problem

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    Given a weighted graph, the capacitated clustering problem (CCP) is to partition a set of nodes into a given number of distinct clusters (or groups) with restricted capacities, while maximizing the sum of edge weights corresponding to two nodes from the same cluster. CCP is an NP-hard problem with many relevant applications. This paper proposes two effective algorithms for CCP: a Tabu Search (denoted as FITS) that alternates between exploration in feasible and infeasible search space regions, and a Memetic Algorithm (MA) that combines FITS with a dedicated cluster-based crossover. Extensive computational results on five sets of 183 benchmark instances from the literature indicate that the proposed FITS competes favorably with the state-of-the-art algorithms. Additionally, an experimental comparison between FITS and MA under an extended time limit demonstrates that further improvements in terms of the solution quality can be achieved with MA in most cases. We also analyze several essential components of the proposed algorithms to understand their importance to the success of these approaches

    An effective multilevel tabu search approach for balanced graph partitioning

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    Graph partitioning is one of the fundamental NP-complete problems which is widely applied in many domains, such as VLSI design, image segmentation, data mining, etc. Given a graph G=(V,E), the balanced k-partitioning problem consists in partitioning the vertex set V into k disjoint subsets of about the same size, such that the number of cutting edges is minimized. In this paper, we present a multilevel algorithm for balanced partition, which integrates a powerful refinement procedure based on tabu search with periodic perturbations. Experimental evaluations on a wide collection of benchmark graphs show that the proposed approach not only competes very favorably with the two well-known partitioning packages METIS and CHACO, but also improves more than two thirds of the best balanced partitions ever reported in the literature

    Breakout local search for the quadratic assignment problem

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    The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is one of the most studied combinatorial optimization problems with various practical applications. In this paper, we present breakout local search (BLS) for solving QAP. BLS explores the search space by a joint use of local search and adaptive perturbation strategies. Experimental evaluations on the set of QAPLIB benchmark instances show that the proposed approach is able to attain current best-known results for all but two instances with an average computing time of less than 4.5 hours. Comparisons are also provided to show the competitiveness of the proposed approach with respect to the best-performing QAP algorithms from the literature

    Breakout Local Search for maximum clique problems

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    The maximum clique problem (MCP) is one of the most popular combinatorial optimization problems with various practical applications. An important generalization of MCP is the maximum weight clique problem (MWCP) where a positive weight is associate to each vertex. In this paper, we present Breakout Local Search (BLS) which can be applied to both MC and MWC problems without any particular adaptation. BLS explores the search space by a joint use of local search and adaptive perturbation strategies. Extensive experimental evaluations using the DIMACS and BOSHLIB benchmarks show that the proposed approach competes favourably with the current state-of-art heuristic methods for MCP. Moreover, it is able to provide some new improved results for a number of MWCP instances. This paper also reports for the first time a detailed landscape analysis, which has been missing in the literature. This analysis not only explains the difficulty of several benchmark instances, but also justifies to some extent the behaviour of the proposed approach and the used parameter setting

    A Recombination-Based Tabu Search Algorithm for the Winner Determination Problem

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    Abstract. We propose a dedicated tabu search algorithm (TSX_WDP) for the winner determination problem (WDP) in combinatorial auctions. TSX_WDP integrates two complementary neighborhoods designed re-spectively for intensification and diversification. To escape deep local optima, TSX_WDP employs a backbone-based recombination opera-tor to generate new starting points for tabu search and to displace the search into unexplored promising regions. The recombination operator operates on elite solutions previously found which are recorded in an global archive. The performance of our algorithm is assessed on a set of 500 well-known WDP benchmark instances. Comparisons with five state of the art algorithms demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Perturbation strength and the global structure of qap fitness landscapes

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    We study the effect of increasing the perturbation strength on the global structure of QAP fitness landscapes induced by Iterated Local Search (ILS). The global structure is captured with Local Optima Networks. Our analysis concentrates on the number, characteristics and distribution of funnels in the landscape, and how they change with increasing perturbation strengths. Well-known QAP instance types are considered. Our results confirm the multi-funnel structure of QAP fitness landscapes and clearly explain, visually and quantitatively, why ILS with large perturbation strengths produces better results. Moreover, we found striking differences between randomly generated and real-world instances, which warns about using synthetic benchmarks for (manual or automatic) algorithm design and tuning